【作 者】:网站采编
【摘 要】:Helsinki~3’s state-of-the-art~4 Oodi library will stand opposite parliament and bocast~5a cinema, recording studio and makerspace~6. It’s a perfect fit~7 for a literate~8 nation taking public learning to the next level.赫尔辛基先进的
Helsinki~3’s state-of-the-art~4 Oodi library will stand opposite parliament and bocast~5a cinema, recording studio and makerspace~6. It’s a perfect fit~7 for a literate~8 nation taking public learning to the next level.赫尔辛基先进的Oodi图书馆将坐落于议会大厦对面,内设电影院、录音棚和创客空间。这非常契合这一有文化素养的国家推动公共学习迈上新台阶。
文章来源:《图书馆论坛》 网址: http://www.tsgltzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0324/903.html